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add_param_def adds a new parameter definition to the input list and modify_param_def modifies an entry for an existing parameter. Use show_param_defs to show the names and descriptions of the paramaters in the param_defs list, and pass the file format as an argument to show the parameters for that file format.


  param_defs = get("harp_params"),
  description = "",
  min = -Inf,
  max = Inf,
  grib = NULL,
  netcdf = NULL,
  v = NULL,
  fa = NULL,
  obsoul = NULL,
  func = NULL,

  param_defs = get("harp_params"),
  description = NULL,
  min = NULL,
  max = NULL,
  grib = NULL,
  netcdf = NULL,
  v = NULL,
  fa = NULL,
  obsoul = NULL,
  func = NULL,

get_param_def(param, file_format = NULL, param_defs = get("harp_params"))

show_param_defs(file_format = NULL, param_defs = get("harp_params"))



The name of a parameter to extract from param_defs


A list of parameter definitions to modify. Defaults to the built in list of parameters.


A description of the parameter.

min, max

The minimum and maximumvalues the parameter can have - only used when reading observations to do a gross error check.


A list with the grib shortName, and optionally levelType and level. Use new_grib_param to generate.


A list with the name of the parameter in the netcdf file and optionally a named list of suffixes to add to the parameter name for different vertical coordinate systems. Use new_netcdf_param to generate.


A list with the name of the parameter in vfld / vobs files, the output name, units and type (synop or temp). Use new_v_param to generate.


A list with the name of the parameter in FA files and its units. Use new_fa_param to generate.


A list with the name of the paramater in obsoul files (this is usually numeric), its units and the output name. Use new_obsoul_param to generate.


A function to apply on reading. For the function to be used, the "name" element of the list for the file type must be a named list with names matching the names of the function arguments. See, for example, harp_params$ws10m for how this should be done.


Other file types.


If given, the parameter names that exist in param_defs for the file format are shown.


A modified version of the param_defs input to the function.


  description = "Zonal wind Speed at 100m above ground",
  grib = new_grib_param("u", "heightAboveGround", 100),
  netcdf = new_netcdf_param("x_wind_100m"),
  v = new_v_param("U100", "u100m", "m/s", "SYNOP")
#> $t2m
#> $t2m$description
#> [1] "Air temperature at 2m above the ground"
#> $t2m$min
#> [1] 223
#> $t2m$max
#> [1] 333
#> $t2m$grib
#> $t2m$grib$name
#> [1] "2t" "t" 
#> $t2m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $t2m$grib$level
#> [1] 2
#> $t2m$netcdf
#> $t2m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "air_temperature_2m"
#> $t2m$v
#> $t2m$v$harp_param
#> [1] "T2m"
#> $t2m$v$name
#> [1] "TT"
#> $t2m$v$param_units
#> [1] "K"
#> $t2m$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $t2m$wrf
#> $t2m$wrf$name
#> [1] "T2"
#> $t2m$fa
#> $t2m$fa$name
#> $t2m$fa$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $t2m$obsoul
#> $t2m$obsoul$name
#> [1] 39
#> $t2m$obsoul$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $t2m$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "T2m"
#> $t0m
#> $t0m$description
#> [1] "Skin temperature"
#> $t0m$other_names
#> [1] "sfct" "skt" 
#> $t0m$min
#> [1] 223
#> $t0m$max
#> [1] 333
#> $t0m$grib
#> $t0m$grib$name
#> [1] "0t" "t" 
#> $t0m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $t0m$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $t0m$netcdf
#> $t0m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "air_temperature_0m"
#> $t0m$wrf
#> $t0m$wrf$name
#> [1] "TSK"
#> $t0m$fa
#> $t0m$fa$name
#> $t0m$fa$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $tmin
#> $tmin$description
#> [1] "Minimum air temperature at 2m above the ground"
#> $tmin$min
#> [1] 223
#> $tmin$max
#> [1] 333
#> $tmin$grib
#> $tmin$grib$name
#> [1] "mn2t" "mnt" 
#> $tmin$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $tmin$grib$level
#> [1] 2
#> $tmin$netcdf
#> $tmin$netcdf$name
#> [1] "air_temperature_min"
#> $tmin$v
#> $tmin$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Tmin"
#> $tmin$v$name
#> [1] "TM" "TN"
#> $tmin$v$param_units
#> [1] "K"
#> $tmin$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $tmin$fa
#> $tmin$fa$name
#> $tmin$fa$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $tmin$obsoul
#> $tmin$obsoul$name
#> [1] 81
#> $tmin$obsoul$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $tmin$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "Tmin"
#> $tmax
#> $tmax$description
#> [1] "Maximum air temperature at 2m above the ground"
#> $tmax$min
#> [1] 223
#> $tmax$max
#> [1] 333
#> $tmax$grib
#> $tmax$grib$name
#> [1] "mx2t" "mxt" 
#> $tmax$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $tmax$grib$level
#> [1] 2
#> $tmax$netcdf
#> $tmax$netcdf$name
#> [1] "air_temperature_max"
#> $tmax$v
#> $tmax$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Tmax"
#> $tmax$v$name
#> [1] "TX"
#> $tmax$v$param_units
#> [1] "K"
#> $tmax$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $tmax$fa
#> $tmax$fa$name
#> $tmax$fa$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $tmax$obsoul
#> $tmax$obsoul$name
#> [1] 82
#> $tmax$obsoul$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $tmax$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "Tmax"
#> $t
#> $t$description
#> [1] "Air temperature"
#> $t$min
#> [1] 173
#> $t$max
#> [1] 333
#> $t$grib
#> $t$grib$name
#> [1] "t"
#> $t$grib$level_type
#> $t$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $t$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $t$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $t$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $t$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $t$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $t$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $t$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $t$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $t$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $t$netcdf
#> $t$netcdf$name
#> [1] "air_temperature"
#> $t$netcdf$suffix
#> $t$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $t$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $t$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $t$v
#> $t$v$harp_param
#> [1] "T"
#> $t$v$name
#> [1] "TT"
#> $t$v$param_units
#> [1] "K"
#> $t$v$type
#> [1] "TEMP"
#> $t$wrf
#> $t$wrf$name
#> [1] "T"
#> $t$fa
#> $t$fa$name
#> [1] "TEMPERATURE     "
#> $t$fa$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $td2m
#> $td2m$description
#> [1] "Dew point temperature at 2m above the ground"
#> $td2m$min
#> [1] 223
#> $td2m$max
#> [1] 333
#> $td2m$grib
#> $td2m$grib$name
#> [1] "td"
#> $td2m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $td2m$grib$level
#> [1] 2
#> $td2m$netcdf
#> $td2m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "dew_point_temperature_2m"
#> $td2m$v
#> $td2m$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Td2m"
#> $td2m$v$name
#> [1] "TD"
#> $td2m$v$param_units
#> [1] "K"
#> $td2m$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $td2m$fa
#> $td2m$fa$name
#> $td2m$fa$name$tc
#> $td2m$fa$name$rh
#> $td2m$fa$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $td2m$fa$func
#> [1] "rh2tdew"
#> $td
#> $td$description
#> [1] "Dew point temperature"
#> $td$grib
#> $td$grib$name
#> [1] "td"
#> $td$grib$level_type
#> $td$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $td$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $td$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $td$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $td$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $td$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $td$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $td$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $td$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $td$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $td$netcdf
#> $td$netcdf$name
#> [1] "dew_point_temperature"
#> $td$netcdf$suffix
#> $td$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $td$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $td$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $td$v
#> $td$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Td"
#> $td$v$name
#> [1] "TD"
#> $td$v$param_units
#> [1] "K"
#> $td$v$type
#> [1] "TEMP"
#> $td$fa
#> $td$fa$name
#> $td$fa$name$tc
#> [1] "TEMPERATURE     "
#> $td$fa$name$rh
#> [1] "HUMI_RELATIVE   "
#> $td$fa$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $td$fa$func
#> [1] "rh2dew"
#> $sst
#> $sst$description
#> [1] "Sea surface temperature"
#> $sst$grib
#> $sst$grib$name
#> [1] "sst"
#> $sst$grib$level_type
#> [1] "meanSea"        "heightAboveSea" "surface"       
#> $sst$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $sst$netcdf
#> $sst$netcdf$name
#> [1] "sea_surface_temperature"
#> $sst$wrf
#> $sst$wrf$name
#> [1] "SST"
#> $sst$fa
#> $sst$fa$name
#> [1] "SFX.SST"
#> $sst$fa$units
#> [1] "K"
#> $s10m
#> $s10m$description
#> [1] "Wind speed at 10m above the ground"
#> $s10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $s10m$max
#> [1] 100
#> $s10m$grib
#> $s10m$grib$name
#> [1] "10si" "ws"  
#> $s10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $s10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $s10m$netcdf
#> $s10m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "wind_speed"
#> $s10m$v
#> $s10m$v$harp_param
#> [1] "S10m"
#> $s10m$v$name
#> [1] "FF"
#> $s10m$v$param_units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $s10m$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $s10m$obsoul
#> $s10m$obsoul$name
#> [1] 41
#> $s10m$obsoul$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $s10m$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "S10m"
#> $s10m$obsoul$common_name
#> [1] "wind"
#> $s
#> $s$description
#> [1] "Wind speed"
#> $s$min
#> [1] 0
#> $s$max
#> [1] 150
#> $s$grib
#> $s$grib$name
#> [1] "ws"
#> $s$grib$level_type
#> $s$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $s$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $s$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $s$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $s$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $s$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $s$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $s$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $s$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $s$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $s$netcdf
#> $s$netcdf$name
#> [1] "wind_speed"
#> $s$netcdf$suffix
#> $s$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $s$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $s$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $s$v
#> $s$v$harp_param
#> [1] "S"
#> $s$v$name
#> [1] "FF"
#> $s$v$param_units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $s$v$type
#> [1] "TEMP"
#> $s$fa
#> $s$fa$name
#> [1] "VITESSE.VENT    "
#> $s$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $smax
#> $smax$description
#> [1] "Maximum wind speed at 10m above the ground"
#> $smax$min
#> [1] 0
#> $smax$max
#> [1] 100
#> $smax$v
#> $smax$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Smax"
#> $smax$v$name
#> [1] "WX"
#> $smax$v$param_units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $smax$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $ws10m
#> $ws10m$description
#> [1] "Wind speed at 10m above the ground calculated from U and V winds at 10m above the ground"
#> $ws10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $ws10m$max
#> [1] 100
#> $ws10m$grib
#> $ws10m$grib$name
#> $ws10m$grib$name$u
#> [1] "10u" "u"  
#> $ws10m$grib$name$v
#> [1] "10v" "v"  
#> $ws10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $ws10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $ws10m$netcdf
#> $ws10m$netcdf$name
#> $ws10m$netcdf$name$u
#> [1] "x_wind_10m"
#> $ws10m$netcdf$name$v
#> [1] "y_wind_10m"
#> $ws10m$wrf
#> $ws10m$wrf$name
#> $ws10m$wrf$name$u
#> [1] "U10"
#> $ws10m$wrf$name$v
#> [1] "V10"
#> $ws10m$fa
#> $ws10m$fa$name
#> $ws10m$fa$name$u
#> [1] "CLSVENT.ZONAL   "
#> $ws10m$fa$name$v
#> $ws10m$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $ws10m$func
#> function(u, v) {
#>         res <- sqrt(u ^ 2 + v ^ 2)
#>         attr(res, "info")[["name"]] <- "Wind speed"
#>         res
#>       }
#> <bytecode: 0x562165636608>
#> <environment: 0x562165637360>
#> $ws
#> $ws$description
#> [1] "Wind speed calculated from U and V winds"
#> $ws$min
#> [1] 0
#> $ws$max
#> [1] 150
#> $ws$grib
#> $ws$grib$name
#> $ws$grib$name$u
#> [1] "u"
#> $ws$grib$name$v
#> [1] "v"
#> $ws$grib$level_type
#> $ws$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $ws$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $ws$netcdf
#> $ws$netcdf$name
#> $ws$netcdf$name$u
#> [1] "x_wind"
#> $ws$netcdf$name$v
#> [1] "y_wind"
#> $ws$netcdf$suffix
#> $ws$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $ws$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $ws$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $ws$wrf
#> $ws$wrf$name
#> $ws$wrf$name$u
#> [1] "U"
#> $ws$wrf$name$v
#> [1] "V"
#> $ws$fa
#> $ws$fa$name
#> $ws$fa$name$u
#> [1] "VENT_ZONAL      "
#> $ws$fa$name$v
#> [1] "VENT_MERIDIEN   "
#> $ws$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $ws$func
#> function(u, v) sqrt(u ^ 2 + v ^ 2)
#> <bytecode: 0x56216563dde0>
#> <environment: 0x562165637360>
#> $d10m
#> $d10m$description
#> [1] "Wind direction at 10m above the ground"
#> $d10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $d10m$max
#> [1] 360
#> $d10m$grib
#> $d10m$grib$name
#> [1] "wdir"
#> $d10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $d10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $d10m$netcdf
#> $d10m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "wind_direction"
#> $d10m$v
#> $d10m$v$harp_param
#> [1] "D10m"
#> $d10m$v$name
#> [1] "DD"
#> $d10m$v$param_units
#> [1] "degrees"
#> $d10m$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $d10m$obsoul
#> $d10m$obsoul$name
#> [1] 41
#> $d10m$obsoul$units
#> [1] "degrees"
#> $d10m$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "D10m"
#> $d10m$obsoul$common_name
#> [1] "wind"
#> $d
#> $d$description
#> [1] "Wind direction"
#> $d$min
#> [1] 0
#> $d$max
#> [1] 360
#> $d$grib
#> $d$grib$name
#> [1] "wdir"
#> $d$grib$level_type
#> $d$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $d$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $d$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $d$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $d$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $d$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $d$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $d$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $d$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $d$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $d$netcdf
#> $d$netcdf$name
#> [1] "wind_direction"
#> $d$netcdf$suffix
#> $d$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $d$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $d$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $d$v
#> $d$v$harp_param
#> [1] "D"
#> $d$v$name
#> [1] "DD"
#> $d$v$param_units
#> [1] "degrees"
#> $d$v$type
#> [1] "TEMP"
#> $d$fa
#> $d$fa$name
#> [1] "DIR.VENT        "
#> $d$fa$units
#> [1] "degrees"
#> $wd10m
#> $wd10m$description
#> [1] "Wind direction at 10m above the ground calculated from U and V winds at 10m above the ground"
#> $wd10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $wd10m$max
#> [1] 360
#> $wd10m$grib
#> $wd10m$grib$name
#> $wd10m$grib$name$u
#> [1] "10u" "u"  
#> $wd10m$grib$name$v
#> [1] "10v" "v"  
#> $wd10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $wd10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $wd10m$netcdf
#> $wd10m$netcdf$name
#> $wd10m$netcdf$name$u
#> [1] "x_wind_10m"
#> $wd10m$netcdf$name$v
#> [1] "y_wind_10m"
#> $wd10m$wrf
#> $wd10m$wrf$name
#> $wd10m$wrf$name$u
#> [1] "U10"
#> $wd10m$wrf$name$v
#> [1] "V10"
#> $wd10m$fa
#> $wd10m$fa$name
#> $wd10m$fa$name$u
#> [1] "CLSVENT.ZONAL   "
#> $wd10m$fa$name$v
#> $wd10m$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $wd10m$func
#> function(u, v) {
#>         meteogrid::wind.dirspeed(u, v, rotate_wind = TRUE)[["wdir"]]
#>       }
#> <bytecode: 0x56216563c758>
#> <environment: 0x562165637360>
#> $wd
#> $wd$description
#> [1] "Wind direction calculated from U and V winds"
#> $wd$min
#> [1] 0
#> $wd$max
#> [1] 360
#> $wd$grib
#> $wd$grib$name
#> $wd$grib$name$u
#> [1] "u"
#> $wd$grib$name$v
#> [1] "v"
#> $wd$grib$level_type
#> $wd$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $wd$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $wd$netcdf
#> $wd$netcdf$name
#> $wd$netcdf$name$u
#> [1] "x_wind"
#> $wd$netcdf$name$v
#> [1] "y_wind"
#> $wd$netcdf$suffix
#> $wd$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $wd$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $wd$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $wd$wrf
#> $wd$wrf$name
#> $wd$wrf$name$u
#> [1] "U"
#> $wd$wrf$name$v
#> [1] "V"
#> $wd$fa
#> $wd$fa$name
#> $wd$fa$name$u
#> [1] "VENT_ZONAL      "
#> $wd$fa$name$v
#> [1] "VENT_MERIDIEN   "
#> $wd$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $wd$func
#> function(u, v) {
#>         meteogrid::wind.dirspeed(u, v, rotate_wind = TRUE)[["wdir"]]
#>       }
#> <bytecode: 0x562165641050>
#> <environment: 0x562165637360>
#> $u10m
#> $u10m$description
#> [1] "Wind speed in u direction at 10m above the ground"
#> $u10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $u10m$max
#> [1] 100
#> $u10m$grib
#> $u10m$grib$name
#> [1] "10u" "u"  
#> $u10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $u10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $u10m$netcdf
#> $u10m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "x_wind_10m"
#> $u10m$wrf
#> $u10m$wrf$name
#> [1] "U10"
#> $u10m$fa
#> $u10m$fa$name
#> [1] "CLSVENT.ZONAL   "
#> $u10m$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $u
#> $u$description
#> [1] "Wind speed in u direction"
#> $u$min
#> [1] 0
#> $u$max
#> [1] 150
#> $u$grib
#> $u$grib$name
#> [1] "u"
#> $u$grib$level_type
#> $u$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $u$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $u$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $u$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $u$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $u$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $u$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $u$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $u$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $u$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $u$netcdf
#> $u$netcdf$name
#> [1] "x_wind"
#> $u$netcdf$suffix
#> $u$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $u$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $u$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $u$wrf
#> $u$wrf$name
#> [1] "U"
#> $u$fa
#> $u$fa$name
#> [1] "VENT_ZONAL      "
#> $u$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $v10m
#> $v10m$description
#> [1] "Wind speed in v direction at 10m above the ground"
#> $v10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $v10m$max
#> [1] 100
#> $v10m$grib
#> $v10m$grib$name
#> [1] "10v" "v"  
#> $v10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $v10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $v10m$netcdf
#> $v10m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "y_wind_10m"
#> $v10m$wrf
#> $v10m$wrf$name
#> [1] "V10"
#> $v10m$fa
#> $v10m$fa$name
#> $v10m$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $v
#> $v$description
#> [1] "Wind speed in v direction"
#> $v$min
#> [1] 0
#> $v$max
#> [1] 150
#> $v$grib
#> $v$grib$name
#> [1] "v"
#> $v$grib$level_type
#> $v$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $v$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $v$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $v$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $v$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $v$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $v$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $v$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $v$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $v$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $v$netcdf
#> $v$netcdf$name
#> [1] "y_wind"
#> $v$netcdf$suffix
#> $v$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $v$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $v$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $v$wrf
#> $v$wrf$name
#> [1] "V"
#> $v$fa
#> $v$fa$name
#> [1] "VENT_MERIDIEN   "
#> $v$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $w
#> $w$description
#> [1] "Vertical (upward) wind speed"
#> $w$min
#> [1] 0
#> $w$max
#> [1] 150
#> $w$grib
#> $w$grib$name
#> [1] "w"
#> $w$grib$level_type
#> $w$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $w$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $w$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $w$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $w$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $w$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $w$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $w$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $w$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $w$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $w$netcdf
#> $w$netcdf$name
#> [1] "upward_air_velocity"
#> $w$netcdf$suffix
#> $w$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $w$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $w$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $w$wrf
#> $w$wrf$name
#> [1] "W"
#> $g10m
#> $g10m$description
#> [1] "Wind gust at 10m above the ground"
#> $g10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $g10m$max
#> [1] 150
#> $g10m$grib
#> $g10m$grib$name
#> [1] "fg"
#> $g10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $g10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $g10m$netcdf
#> $g10m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "wind_speed_of_gust"
#> $g10m$v
#> $g10m$v$harp_param
#> [1] "G10m"
#> $g10m$v$name
#> [1] "GW"
#> $g10m$v$param_units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $g10m$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $g
#> $g$description
#> [1] "Wind gust"
#> $g$min
#> [1] 0
#> $g$max
#> [1] 150
#> $g$grib
#> $g$grib$name
#> [1] "fg"
#> $g$grib$level_type
#> $g$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $g$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $g$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $g$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $g$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $g$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $g$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $g$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $g$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $g$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $g$netcdf
#> $g$netcdf$name
#> [1] "wind_speed_of_gust"
#> $g$netcdf$suffix
#> $g$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $g$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $g$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $g$fa
#> $g$fa$name
#> [1] "VIT.RAFALES     "
#> $g$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $wg10m
#> $wg10m$description
#> [1] "Wind gust at 10m above the ground calculated from U gust and V gust at 10m above the ground"
#> $wg10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $wg10m$max
#> [1] 150
#> $wg10m$grib
#> $wg10m$grib$name
#> $wg10m$grib$name$u
#> [1] "ugst"
#> $wg10m$grib$name$v
#> [1] "vgst"
#> $wg10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $wg10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $wg10m$netcdf
#> $wg10m$netcdf$name
#> $wg10m$netcdf$name$u
#> [1] "x_wind_gust_10m"
#> $wg10m$netcdf$name$v
#> [1] "y_wind_gust_10m"
#> $wg10m$fa
#> $wg10m$fa$name
#> $wg10m$fa$name$u
#> $wg10m$fa$name$v
#> $wg10m$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $wg10m$func
#> function(u, v) sqrt(u ^ 2 + v ^ 2)
#> <bytecode: 0x562165648298>
#> <environment: 0x562165637360>
#> $wg
#> $wg$description
#> [1] "Wind gust calculated from U and V gusts"
#> $wg$min
#> [1] 0
#> $wg$max
#> [1] 150
#> $wg$grib
#> $wg$grib$name
#> $wg$grib$name$u
#> [1] "ugst"
#> $wg$grib$name$v
#> [1] "vgst"
#> $wg$grib$level_type
#> $wg$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $wg$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $wg$netcdf
#> $wg$netcdf$name
#> $wg$netcdf$name$u
#> [1] "x_wind_gust"
#> $wg$netcdf$name$v
#> [1] "y_wind_gust"
#> $wg$netcdf$suffix
#> $wg$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $wg$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $wg$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $wg$fa
#> $wg$fa$name
#> $wg$fa$name$u
#> [1] "U.RAF.MOD.XFU   "
#> $wg$fa$name$v
#> [1] "V.RAF.MOD.XFU   "
#> $wg$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $wg$func
#> function(u, v) sqrt(u ^ 2 + v ^ 2)
#> <bytecode: 0x562165646eb0>
#> <environment: 0x562165637360>
#> $gmax
#> $gmax$description
#> [1] "Maximum wind gust at 10m above the ground"
#> $gmax$min
#> [1] 0
#> $gmax$max
#> [1] 150
#> $gmax$v
#> $gmax$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Gmax"
#> $gmax$v$name
#> [1] "GX"
#> $gmax$v$param_units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $gmax$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $ugust10m
#> $ugust10m$description
#> [1] "Wind gust at 10m above the ground in U direction"
#> $ugust10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $ugust10m$max
#> [1] 150
#> $ugust10m$grib
#> $ugust10m$grib$name
#> [1] "ugst"
#> $ugust10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $ugust10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $ugust10m$netcdf
#> $ugust10m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "x_wind_gust_10m"
#> $ugust10m$fa
#> $ugust10m$fa$name
#> $ugust10m$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $ugust
#> $ugust$description
#> [1] "Wind gust in U direction"
#> $ugust$min
#> [1] 0
#> $ugust$max
#> [1] 150
#> $ugust$grib
#> $ugust$grib$name
#> [1] "ugst"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $ugust$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $ugust$netcdf
#> $ugust$netcdf$name
#> [1] "x_wind_gust"
#> $ugust$netcdf$suffix
#> $ugust$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $ugust$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $ugust$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $ugust$fa
#> $ugust$fa$name
#> [1] "U.RAF.MOD.XFU   "
#> $ugust$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $vgust10m
#> $vgust10m$description
#> [1] "Wind gust at 10m above the ground in V direction"
#> $vgust10m$min
#> [1] 0
#> $vgust10m$max
#> [1] 150
#> $vgust10m$grib
#> $vgust10m$grib$name
#> [1] "vgst"
#> $vgust10m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $vgust10m$grib$level
#> [1] 10
#> $vgust10m$netcdf
#> $vgust10m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "y_wind_gust_10m"
#> $vgust10m$fa
#> $vgust10m$fa$name
#> $vgust10m$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $vgust
#> $vgust$description
#> [1] "Wind gust in V direction"
#> $vgust$min
#> [1] 0
#> $vgust$max
#> [1] 150
#> $vgust$grib
#> $vgust$grib$name
#> [1] "vgst"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $vgust$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $vgust$netcdf
#> $vgust$netcdf$name
#> [1] "y_wind_gust"
#> $vgust$netcdf$suffix
#> $vgust$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $vgust$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $vgust$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $vgust$fa
#> $vgust$fa$name
#> [1] "V.RAF.MOD.XFU   "
#> $vgust$fa$units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $q2m
#> $q2m$description
#> [1] "Specific humidity of air at 2m above the ground"
#> $q2m$grib
#> $q2m$grib$name
#> [1] "2q" "q" 
#> $q2m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $q2m$grib$level
#> [1] 2
#> $q2m$netcdf
#> $q2m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "specific_humidity_2m"
#> $q2m$v
#> $q2m$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Q2m"
#> $q2m$v$name
#> [1] "QQ"
#> $q2m$v$param_units
#> [1] "kg/kg"
#> $q2m$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $q2m$wrf
#> $q2m$wrf$name
#> [1] "Q2"
#> $q2m$fa
#> $q2m$fa$name
#> $q2m$fa$units
#> [1] "kg/kg"
#> $q2m$obsoul
#> $q2m$obsoul$name
#> [1] 7
#> $q2m$obsoul$units
#> [1] "kg/kg"
#> $q2m$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "Q2m"
#> $q
#> $q$description
#> [1] "Specific humidity of air"
#> $q$grib
#> $q$grib$name
#> [1] "q"
#> $q$grib$level_type
#> $q$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $q$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $q$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $q$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $q$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $q$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $q$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $q$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $q$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $q$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $q$netcdf
#> $q$netcdf$name
#> [1] "specific_humidity"
#> $q$netcdf$suffix
#> $q$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $q$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $q$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $q$v
#> $q$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Q"
#> $q$v$name
#> [1] "QQ"
#> $q$v$param_units
#> [1] "kg/kg"
#> $q$v$type
#> [1] "TEMP"
#> $q$wrf
#> $q$wrf$name
#> [1] "QVAPOR"
#> $q$fa
#> $q$fa$name
#> [1] "HUMI.SPECIFIQ   "
#> $q$fa$units
#> [1] "kg/kg"
#> $rh2m
#> $rh2m$description
#> [1] "Relative humidity of air at 2m above the ground"
#> $rh2m$grib
#> $rh2m$grib$name
#> [1] "2r" "r" 
#> $rh2m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $rh2m$grib$level
#> [1] 2
#> $rh2m$netcdf
#> $rh2m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "relative_humidity_2m"
#> $rh2m$v
#> $rh2m$v$harp_param
#> [1] "RH2m"
#> $rh2m$v$name
#> [1] "RH"
#> $rh2m$v$param_units
#> [1] "percent"
#> $rh2m$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $rh2m$fa
#> $rh2m$fa$name
#> $rh2m$fa$units
#> [1] "fraction"
#> $rh2m$obsoul
#> $rh2m$obsoul$name
#> [1] 58
#> $rh2m$obsoul$units
#> [1] "percent"
#> $rh2m$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "RH2m"
#> $rh
#> $rh$description
#> [1] "Relative humidity of air"
#> $rh$grib
#> $rh$grib$name
#> [1] "r"
#> $rh$grib$level_type
#> $rh$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $rh$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $rh$netcdf
#> $rh$netcdf$name
#> [1] "relative_humidity"
#> $rh$netcdf$suffix
#> $rh$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $rh$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $rh$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $rh$v
#> $rh$v$harp_param
#> [1] "RH"
#> $rh$v$name
#> [1] "RH"
#> $rh$v$param_units
#> [1] "percent"
#> $rh$v$type
#> [1] "TEMP"
#> $rh$fa
#> $rh$fa$name
#> [1] "HUMI_RELATIVE   "
#> $rh$fa$units
#> [1] "fraction"
#> $caf
#> $caf$description
#> [1] "Cloud area fraction at vertical levels"
#> $caf$min
#> [1] 0
#> $caf$max
#> [1] 8
#> $caf$grib
#> $caf$grib$name
#> [1] "tcc"
#> $caf$grib$level_type
#> $caf$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $caf$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $caf$netcdf
#> $caf$netcdf$name
#> [1] "cloud_area_fraction"
#> $caf$netcdf$suffix
#> $caf$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $caf$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $caf$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $caf$wrf
#> $caf$wrf$name
#> [1] "CLDFRA"
#> $cctot
#> $cctot$description
#> [1] "Total integrated cloud cover"
#> $cctot$other_names
#> [1] "tcc"
#> $cctot$min
#> [1] 0
#> $cctot$max
#> [1] 8
#> $cctot$grib
#> $cctot$grib$name
#> [1] "tcc"
#> $cctot$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $cctot$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $cctot$netcdf
#> $cctot$netcdf$name
#> [1] "cloud_area_fraction"
#> $cctot$v
#> $cctot$v$harp_param
#> [1] "CCtot"
#> $cctot$v$name
#> [1] "NN"
#> $cctot$v$param_units
#> [1] "oktas"
#> $cctot$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $cctot$wrf
#> $cctot$wrf$name
#> [1] "CLDFRA"
#> $cctot$fa
#> $cctot$fa$name
#> $cctot$fa$units
#> [1] "fraction"
#> $cctot$obsoul
#> $cctot$obsoul$name
#> [1] 91
#> $cctot$obsoul$units
#> [1] "percent"
#> $cctot$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "NN"
#> $cchigh
#> $cchigh$description
#> [1] "High level cloud cover"
#> $cchigh$other_names
#> [1] "hcc"
#> $cchigh$min
#> [1] 0
#> $cchigh$max
#> [1] 8
#> $cchigh$grib
#> $cchigh$grib$name
#> [1] "hcc"
#> $cchigh$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $cchigh$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $cchigh$netcdf
#> $cchigh$netcdf$name
#> [1] "high_type_cloud_area_fraction"
#> $cchigh$v
#> $cchigh$v$harp_param
#> [1] "CChigh"
#> $cchigh$v$name
#> [1] "HC"
#> $cchigh$v$param_units
#> [1] "oktas"
#> $cchigh$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $cchigh$fa
#> $cchigh$fa$name
#> $cchigh$fa$units
#> [1] "fraction"
#> $ccmed
#> $ccmed$description
#> [1] "Medium level cloud cover"
#> $ccmed$other_names
#> [1] "mcc"
#> $ccmed$min
#> [1] 0
#> $ccmed$max
#> [1] 8
#> $ccmed$grib
#> $ccmed$grib$name
#> [1] "mcc"
#> $ccmed$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $ccmed$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $ccmed$netcdf
#> $ccmed$netcdf$name
#> [1] "medium_type_cloud_area_fraction"
#> $ccmed$v
#> $ccmed$v$harp_param
#> [1] "CCmed"
#> $ccmed$v$name
#> [1] "MC"
#> $ccmed$v$param_units
#> [1] "oktas"
#> $ccmed$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $ccmed$fa
#> $ccmed$fa$name
#> $ccmed$fa$units
#> [1] "fraction"
#> $cclow
#> $cclow$description
#> [1] "Low level cloud cover"
#> $cclow$other_names
#> [1] "lcc"
#> $cclow$min
#> [1] 0
#> $cclow$max
#> [1] 8
#> $cclow$grib
#> $cclow$grib$name
#> [1] "lcc"
#> $cclow$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $cclow$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $cclow$netcdf
#> $cclow$netcdf$name
#> [1] "low_type_cloud_area_fraction"
#> $cclow$v
#> $cclow$v$harp_param
#> [1] "CClow"
#> $cclow$v$name
#> [1] "LC"
#> $cclow$v$param_units
#> [1] "oktas"
#> $cclow$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $cclow$fa
#> $cclow$fa$name
#> $cclow$fa$units
#> [1] "fraction"
#> $cbase
#> $cbase$description
#> [1] "Height of cloud base"
#> $cbase$min
#> [1] 0
#> $cbase$netcdf
#> $cbase$netcdf$name
#> [1] "cloud_base_altitude"
#> $cbase$v
#> $cbase$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Cbase"
#> $cbase$v$name
#> [1] "CH"
#> $cbase$v$param_units
#> [1] "m"
#> $cbase$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $cc_below_7500
#> $cc_below_7500$description
#> [1] "Cloud cover below 7500m"
#> $cc_below_7500$min
#> [1] 0
#> $cc_below_7500$max
#> [1] 8
#> $cc_below_7500$v
#> $cc_below_7500$v$harp_param
#> [1] "N75"
#> $cc_below_7500$v$name
#> [1] "N75"
#> $cc_below_7500$v$param_units
#> [1] "oktas"
#> $cc_below_7500$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $pcp
#> $pcp$description
#> [1] "Accumulated precipitaion"
#> $pcp$min
#> [1] 0
#> $pcp$max
#> [1] 1000
#> $pcp$grib
#> $pcp$grib$name
#> [1] "tp"
#> $pcp$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $pcp$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $pcp$netcdf
#> $pcp$netcdf$name
#> [1] "precipitation_amount_acc"
#> $pcp$wrf
#> $pcp$wrf$name
#> $pcp$wrf$name[[1]]
#> [1] "RAINNC"
#> $pcp$wrf$name[[2]]
#> [1] "RAINC"
#> $pcp$wrf$func
#> [1] "sum"
#> $pcp$v
#> $pcp$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Pcp"
#> $pcp$v$name
#> [1] "PE"
#> $pcp$v$param_units
#> [1] "kg/m^2"
#> $pcp$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $pcp$fa
#> $pcp$fa$name
#> $pcp$fa$name$alaro
#> $pcp$fa$name$alaro[[1]]
#> $pcp$fa$name$alaro[[2]]
#> $pcp$fa$name$alaro[[3]]
#> $pcp$fa$name$alaro[[4]]
#> $pcp$fa$name$arome
#> $pcp$fa$name$arome[[1]]
#> [1] "SURFACCPLUIE    "
#> $pcp$fa$name$arome[[2]]
#> [1] "SURFACCNEIGE    "
#> $pcp$fa$name$arome[[3]]
#> $pcp$fa$units
#> [1] "kg/m^2"
#> $pcp$fa$func
#> [1] "sum"
#> $accpcp1h
#> $accpcp1h$description
#> [1] "1-hour accumulated precipitation"
#> $accpcp1h$min
#> [1] 0
#> $accpcp1h$max
#> [1] 500
#> $accpcp1h$v
#> $accpcp1h$v$harp_param
#> [1] "AccPcp1h"
#> $accpcp1h$v$name
#> [1] "PE1"
#> $accpcp1h$v$param_units
#> [1] "kg/m^2"
#> $accpcp1h$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $accpcp1h$obsoul
#> $accpcp1h$obsoul$name
#> [1] 79
#> $accpcp1h$obsoul$units
#> [1] "mm"
#> $accpcp1h$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "AccPcp1h"
#> $accpcp3h
#> $accpcp3h$description
#> [1] "3-hour accumulated precipitation"
#> $accpcp3h$min
#> [1] 0
#> $accpcp3h$max
#> [1] 600
#> $accpcp3h$v
#> $accpcp3h$v$harp_param
#> [1] "AccPcp3h"
#> $accpcp3h$v$name
#> [1] "PE3"
#> $accpcp3h$v$param_units
#> [1] "kg/m^2"
#> $accpcp3h$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $accpcp6h
#> $accpcp6h$description
#> [1] "6-hour accumulated precipitation"
#> $accpcp6h$min
#> [1] 0
#> $accpcp6h$max
#> [1] 750
#> $accpcp6h$v
#> $accpcp6h$v$harp_param
#> [1] "AccPcp6h"
#> $accpcp6h$v$name
#> [1] "PE6"
#> $accpcp6h$v$param_units
#> [1] "kg/m^2"
#> $accpcp6h$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $accpcp6h$obsoul
#> $accpcp6h$obsoul$name
#> [1] 80
#> $accpcp6h$obsoul$units
#> [1] "mm"
#> $accpcp6h$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "AccPcp6h"
#> $accpcp12h
#> $accpcp12h$description
#> [1] "12-hour accumulated precipitation"
#> $accpcp12h$min
#> [1] 0
#> $accpcp12h$max
#> [1] 1000
#> $accpcp12h$v
#> $accpcp12h$v$harp_param
#> [1] "AccPcp12h"
#> $accpcp12h$v$name
#> [1] "PE12"
#> $accpcp12h$v$param_units
#> [1] "kg/m^2"
#> $accpcp12h$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $accpcp24h
#> $accpcp24h$description
#> [1] "24-hour accumulated precipitation"
#> $accpcp24h$min
#> [1] 0
#> $accpcp24h$max
#> [1] 1000
#> $accpcp24h$v
#> $accpcp24h$v$harp_param
#> [1] "AccPcp24h"
#> $accpcp24h$v$name
#> [1] "PE24"
#> $accpcp24h$v$param_units
#> [1] "kg/m^2"
#> $accpcp24h$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $snow
#> $snow$description
#> [1] "Snow depth"
#> $snow$obsoul
#> $snow$obsoul$name
#> [1] 92
#> $snow$obsoul$units
#> [1] "cm"
#> $snow$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "Snow"
#> $pmsl
#> $pmsl$description
#> [1] "Air pressure at mean sea level"
#> $pmsl$other_names
#> [1] "mslp"
#> $pmsl$min
#> [1] 90000
#> $pmsl$max
#> [1] 110000
#> $pmsl$grib
#> $pmsl$grib$name
#> [1] "msl"
#> $pmsl$grib$level_type
#> [1] "meanSea"        "heightAboveSea"
#> $pmsl$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $pmsl$netcdf
#> $pmsl$netcdf$name
#> [1] "air_pressure_at_sea_level"
#> $pmsl$v
#> $pmsl$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Pmsl"
#> $pmsl$v$name
#> [1] "PS"
#> $pmsl$v$param_units
#> [1] "hPa"
#> $pmsl$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $pmsl$fa
#> $pmsl$fa$name
#> [1] "MSLPRESSURE     "
#> $pmsl$fa$units
#> [1] "Pa"
#> $pmsl$obsoul
#> $pmsl$obsoul$name
#> [1] 1
#> $pmsl$obsoul$units
#> [1] "Pa"
#> $pmsl$obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "Pmsl"
#> $psfc
#> $psfc$description
#> [1] "Surface air pressure"
#> $psfc$other_names
#> [1] "ps"
#> $psfc$min
#> [1] 70000
#> $psfc$max
#> [1] 110000
#> $psfc$grib
#> $psfc$grib$name
#> [1] "pres"
#> $psfc$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $psfc$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $psfc$netcdf
#> $psfc$netcdf$name
#> [1] "surface_air_pressure"
#> $psfc$v
#> $psfc$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Ps"
#> $psfc$v$name
#> [1] "PSS"
#> $psfc$v$param_units
#> [1] "hPa"
#> $psfc$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $psfc$fa
#> $psfc$fa$name
#> [1] "SURFPRESSION    "
#> $psfc$fa$units
#> [1] "Pa"
#> $z
#> $z$description
#> [1] "Geopotential"
#> $z$grib
#> $z$grib$name
#> [1] "z"
#> $z$grib$level_type
#> $z$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $z$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $z$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $z$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $z$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $z$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $z$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $z$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $z$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $z$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $z$netcdf
#> $z$netcdf$name
#> [1] "geopotential"
#> $z$netcdf$suffix
#> $z$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $z$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $z$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $z$wrf
#> $z$wrf$name
#> [1] "PH"
#> $z$fa
#> $z$fa$name
#> [1] "GEOPOTENTIEL    "
#> $z$fa$units
#> [1] "m^2/s^2"
#> $gh
#> $gh$description
#> [1] "Geopotential height"
#> $gh$grib
#> $gh$grib$name
#> [1] "gh"
#> $gh$grib$level_type
#> $gh$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $gh$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $gh$netcdf
#> $gh$netcdf$name
#> [1] "geopotential_height"
#> $gh$netcdf$suffix
#> $gh$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $gh$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $gh$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $gh$wrf
#> $gh$wrf$name
#> [1] "Z"
#> $gh$v
#> $gh$v$harp_param
#> [1] "Z"
#> $gh$v$name
#> [1] "FI"
#> $gh$v$param_units
#> [1] "m"
#> $gh$v$type
#> [1] "TEMP"
#> $sfc_geo
#> $sfc_geo$description
#> [1] "Surface geopotential"
#> $sfc_geo$other_names
#> [1] "z0m"              "sfc_geopotential"
#> $sfc_geo$grib
#> $sfc_geo$grib$name
#> [1] "z"
#> $sfc_geo$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $sfc_geo$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $sfc_geo$netcdf
#> $sfc_geo$netcdf$name
#> [1] "surface_geopotential"
#> $sfc_geo$fa
#> $sfc_geo$fa$name
#> $sfc_geo$fa$units
#> [1] "m^2/s^2"
#> $topo
#> $topo$description
#> [1] "Height of topography above sea level"
#> $topo$other_names
#>  [1] "oro"             "orog"            "orography"       "topo"           
#>  [5] "topog"           "topography"      "altitude"        "terrain"        
#>  [9] "model_elevation" "elev"            "elevation"      
#> $topo$grib
#> $topo$grib$name
#> [1] "orog"
#> $topo$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $topo$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $topo$netcdf
#> $topo$netcdf$name
#> [1] "altitude"
#> $topo$wrf
#> $topo$wrf$name
#> [1] "HGT"
#> $topo$v
#> $topo$v$harp_param
#> [1] "model_elevation"
#> $topo$v$name
#> [1] "FI"
#> $topo$v$param_units
#> [1] "m"
#> $topo$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $lsm
#> $lsm$description
#> [1] "land-sea mask"
#> $lsm$other_names
#> [1] "land_sea_mask" "mask"         
#> $lsm$grib
#> $lsm$grib$name
#> [1] "lsm"
#> $lsm$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $lsm$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $lsm$netcdf
#> $lsm$netcdf$name
#> [1] "land_binary_mask"
#> $lsm$wrf
#> $lsm$wrf$name
#> [1] "LANDMASK"
#> $lsm$fa
#> $lsm$fa$name
#> $lsm$fa$units
#> [1] "1"
#> $sea_ice
#> $sea_ice$description
#> [1] "Sea ice concentration"
#> $sea_ice$other_names
#> [1] "sea_ice_concentration" "icec"                 
#> $sea_ice$grib
#> $sea_ice$grib$name
#> [1] "icec"
#> $sea_ice$grib$level_type
#> [1] "meanSea"        "heightAboveSea" "surface"       
#> $sea_ice$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $sea_ice$netcdf
#> $sea_ice$netcdf$name
#> [1] "ga_icec_102"
#> $vis
#> $vis$description
#> [1] "Visibility in air"
#> $vis$grib
#> $vis$grib$name
#> [1] "vis"
#> $vis$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $vis$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $vis$netcdf
#> $vis$netcdf$name
#> [1] "visibility_in_air"
#> $vis$v
#> $vis$v$harp_param
#> [1] "vis"
#> $vis$v$name
#> [1] "VI"
#> $vis$v$param_units
#> [1] "m"
#> $vis$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $pressure
#> $pressure$description
#> [1] "Atmospheric air pressure"
#> $pressure$min
#> [1] 5
#> $pressure$max
#> [1] 1100
#> $pressure$grib
#> $pressure$grib$name
#> [1] "pres"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$surface
#> [1] "surface"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$pressure
#> [1] "isobaricInhPa"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$sea
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$msl
#> [1] "meanSea"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$height
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$asl
#> [1] "heightAboveSea"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$model
#> [1] "hybrid"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$isotherm
#> [1] "isotherm"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$isotherm0
#> [1] "isothermZero"
#> $pressure$grib$level_type$unknown
#> [1] "unknown"
#> $pressure$v
#> $pressure$v$harp_param
#> [1] "p"
#> $pressure$v$name
#> [1] "PP"
#> $pressure$v$param_units
#> [1] "hPa"
#> $pressure$v$type
#> [1] "TEMP"
#> $cape
#> $cape$description
#> [1] "Convective available potential energy"
#> $cape$grib
#> $cape$grib$name
#> [1] "cape"
#> $cape$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $cape$grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $cape$netcdf
#> $cape$netcdf$name
#> [1] "specific_convective_available_potential_energy"
#> $cape$fa
#> $cape$fa$name
#> [1] "SURFCAPE.POS.F00"
#> $cape$fa$units
#> [1] "J/kg"
#> $cin
#> $cin$description
#> [1] "Convective inhibition"
#> $cin$netcdf
#> $cin$netcdf$name
#> [1] "atmosphere_convective_inhibition"
#> $cin$fa
#> $cin$fa$name
#> [1] "SURFCIEN.POS.F00"
#> $cin$fa$units
#> [1] "J/kg"
#> $u100m
#> $u100m$description
#> [1] "Zonal wind Speed at 100m above ground"
#> $u100m$min
#> [1] -Inf
#> $u100m$max
#> [1] Inf
#> $u100m$grib
#> $u100m$grib$name
#> [1] "u"
#> $u100m$grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround"
#> $u100m$grib$level
#> [1] 100
#> $u100m$netcdf
#> $u100m$netcdf$name
#> [1] "x_wind_100m"
#> $u100m$netcdf$suffix
#> $u100m$netcdf$suffix$pressure
#> [1] "_pl"
#> $u100m$netcdf$suffix$model
#> [1] "_ml"
#> $u100m$netcdf$suffix$height
#> [1] ""
#> $u100m$v
#> $u100m$v$harp_param
#> [1] "u100m"
#> $u100m$v$name
#> [1] "U100"
#> $u100m$v$param_units
#> [1] "m/s"
#> $u100m$v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"

# Use a function to convert sea level pressure to hPa from Pa for grib files
my_params <- modify_param_def(
  grib = new_grib_param(
    name = list(p = "msl"),
    level_type = c("meanSea", "heightAboveSea"),
    level = 0
  func = function(p) p / 100
#> $description
#> [1] "Air pressure at mean sea level"
#> $other_names
#> [1] "mslp"
#> $min
#> [1] 90000
#> $max
#> [1] 110000
#> $grib
#> $grib$name
#> $grib$name$p
#> [1] "msl"
#> $grib$level_type
#> [1] "meanSea"        "heightAboveSea"
#> $grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $netcdf
#> $netcdf$name
#> [1] "air_pressure_at_sea_level"
#> $v
#> $v$harp_param
#> [1] "Pmsl"
#> $v$name
#> [1] "PS"
#> $v$param_units
#> [1] "hPa"
#> $v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"
#> $fa
#> $fa$name
#> [1] "MSLPRESSURE     "
#> $fa$units
#> [1] "Pa"
#> $obsoul
#> $obsoul$name
#> [1] 1
#> $obsoul$units
#> [1] "Pa"
#> $obsoul$harp_name
#> [1] "Pmsl"
#> $func
#> function(p) p / 100
#> <environment: 0x56216e39d3b8>

# Get parameter definition for topography
#> $description
#> [1] "Height of topography above sea level"
#> $other_names
#>  [1] "oro"             "orog"            "orography"       "topo"           
#>  [5] "topog"           "topography"      "altitude"        "terrain"        
#>  [9] "model_elevation" "elev"            "elevation"      
#> $grib
#> $grib$name
#> [1] "orog"
#> $grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $netcdf
#> $netcdf$name
#> [1] "altitude"
#> $wrf
#> $wrf$name
#> [1] "HGT"
#> $v
#> $v$harp_param
#> [1] "model_elevation"
#> $v$name
#> [1] "FI"
#> $v$param_units
#> [1] "m"
#> $v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"

# For grib files
get_param_def("topo", "grib")
#> $name
#> [1] "orog"
#> $level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $level
#> [1] 0

# Aliases also work - stored in the \code{other_names} entry
#> $description
#> [1] "Height of topography above sea level"
#> $other_names
#>  [1] "oro"             "orog"            "orography"       "topo"           
#>  [5] "topog"           "topography"      "altitude"        "terrain"        
#>  [9] "model_elevation" "elev"            "elevation"      
#> $grib
#> $grib$name
#> [1] "orog"
#> $grib$level_type
#> [1] "heightAboveGround" "surface"          
#> $grib$level
#> [1] 0
#> $netcdf
#> $netcdf$name
#> [1] "altitude"
#> $wrf
#> $wrf$name
#> [1] "HGT"
#> $v
#> $v$harp_param
#> [1] "model_elevation"
#> $v$name
#> [1] "FI"
#> $v$param_units
#> [1] "m"
#> $v$type
#> [1] "SYNOP"

# Show parameter definitions
#> # A tibble: 61 × 2
#>    name          description                                                    
#>    <chr>         <chr>                                                          
#>  1 accpcp12h     12-hour accumulated precipitation                              
#>  2 accpcp1h      1-hour accumulated precipitation                               
#>  3 accpcp24h     24-hour accumulated precipitation                              
#>  4 accpcp3h      3-hour accumulated precipitation                               
#>  5 accpcp6h      6-hour accumulated precipitation                               
#>  6 caf           Cloud area fraction at vertical levels                         
#>  7 cape          Convective available potential energy                          
#>  8 cbase         Height of cloud base                                           
#>  9 cc_below_7500 Cloud cover below 7500m                                        
#> 10 cchigh        High level cloud cover                                         
#> 11 cclow         Low level cloud cover                                          
#> 12 ccmed         Medium level cloud cover                                       
#> 13 cctot         Total integrated cloud cover                                   
#> 14 cin           Convective inhibition                                          
#> 15 d             Wind direction                                                 
#> 16 d10m          Wind direction at 10m above the ground                         
#> 17 g             Wind gust                                                      
#> 18 g10m          Wind gust at 10m above the ground                              
#> 19 gh            Geopotential height                                            
#> 20 gmax          Maximum wind gust at 10m above the ground                      
#> 21 lsm           land-sea mask                                                  
#> 22 pcp           Accumulated precipitaion                                       
#> 23 pmsl          Air pressure at mean sea level                                 
#> 24 pressure      Atmospheric air pressure                                       
#> 25 psfc          Surface air pressure                                           
#> 26 q             Specific humidity of air                                       
#> 27 q2m           Specific humidity of air at 2m above the ground                
#> 28 rh            Relative humidity of air                                       
#> 29 rh2m          Relative humidity of air at 2m above the ground                
#> 30 s             Wind speed                                                     
#> 31 s10m          Wind speed at 10m above the ground                             
#> 32 sea_ice       Sea ice concentration                                          
#> 33 sfc_geo       Surface geopotential                                           
#> 34 smax          Maximum wind speed at 10m above the ground                     
#> 35 snow          Snow depth                                                     
#> 36 sst           Sea surface temperature                                        
#> 37 t             Air temperature                                                
#> 38 t0m           Skin temperature                                               
#> 39 t2m           Air temperature at 2m above the ground                         
#> 40 td            Dew point temperature                                          
#> 41 td2m          Dew point temperature at 2m above the ground                   
#> 42 tmax          Maximum air temperature at 2m above the ground                 
#> 43 tmin          Minimum air temperature at 2m above the ground                 
#> 44 topo          Height of topography above sea level                           
#> 45 u             Wind speed in u direction                                      
#> 46 u10m          Wind speed in u direction at 10m above the ground              
#> 47 ugust         Wind gust in U direction                                       
#> 48 ugust10m      Wind gust at 10m above the ground in U direction               
#> 49 v             Wind speed in v direction                                      
#> 50 v10m          Wind speed in v direction at 10m above the ground              
#> 51 vgust         Wind gust in V direction                                       
#> 52 vgust10m      Wind gust at 10m above the ground in V direction               
#> 53 vis           Visibility in air                                              
#> 54 w             Vertical (upward) wind speed                                   
#> 55 wd            Wind direction calculated from U and V winds                   
#> 56 wd10m         Wind direction at 10m above the ground calculated from U and V…
#> 57 wg            Wind gust calculated from U and V gusts                        
#> 58 wg10m         Wind gust at 10m above the ground calculated from U gust and V…
#> 59 ws            Wind speed calculated from U and V winds                       
#> 60 ws10m         Wind speed at 10m above the ground calculated from U and V win…
#> 61 z             Geopotential                                                   
#> # A tibble: 50 × 2
#>    name     grib_name                         
#>    <chr>    <chr>                             
#>  1 caf      tcc                               
#>  2 cape     cape                              
#>  3 cchigh   hcc                               
#>  4 cclow    lcc                               
#>  5 ccmed    mcc                               
#>  6 cctot    tcc                               
#>  7 d        wdir                              
#>  8 d10m     wdir                              
#>  9 g        fg                                
#> 10 g10m     fg                                
#> 11 gh       gh                                
#> 12 lsm      lsm                               
#> 13 pcp      tp                                
#> 14 pmsl     msl                               
#> 15 pressure pres                              
#> 16 psfc     pres                              
#> 17 q        q                                 
#> 18 q2m      c(2q, q)                          
#> 19 rh       r                                 
#> 20 rh2m     c(2r, r)                          
#> 21 s        ws                                
#> 22 s10m     c(10si, ws)                       
#> 23 sea_ice  icec                              
#> 24 sfc_geo  z                                 
#> 25 sst      sst                               
#> 26 t        t                                 
#> 27 t0m      c(0t, t)                          
#> 28 t2m      c(2t, t)                          
#> 29 td       td                                
#> 30 td2m     td                                
#> 31 tmax     c(mx2t, mxt)                      
#> 32 tmin     c(mn2t, mnt)                      
#> 33 topo     orog                              
#> 34 u        u                                 
#> 35 u10m     c(10u, u)                         
#> 36 ugust    ugst                              
#> 37 ugust10m ugst                              
#> 38 v        v                                 
#> 39 v10m     c(10v, v)                         
#> 40 vgust    vgst                              
#> 41 vgust10m vgst                              
#> 42 vis      vis                               
#> 43 w        w                                 
#> 44 wd       list(u = u, v = v)                
#> 45 wd10m    list(u = c(10u, u), v = c(10v, v))
#> 46 wg       list(u = ugst, v = vgst)          
#> 47 wg10m    list(u = ugst, v = vgst)          
#> 48 ws       list(u = u, v = v)                
#> 49 ws10m    list(u = c(10u, u), v = c(10v, v))
#> 50 z        z                                 
#> # A tibble: 51 × 2
#>    name     netcdf_name                                   
#>    <chr>    <chr>                                         
#>  1 caf      cloud_area_fraction                           
#>  2 cape     specific_convective_available_potential_energy
#>  3 cbase    cloud_base_altitude                           
#>  4 cchigh   high_type_cloud_area_fraction                 
#>  5 cclow    low_type_cloud_area_fraction                  
#>  6 ccmed    medium_type_cloud_area_fraction               
#>  7 cctot    cloud_area_fraction                           
#>  8 cin      atmosphere_convective_inhibition              
#>  9 d        wind_direction                                
#> 10 d10m     wind_direction                                
#> 11 g        wind_speed_of_gust                            
#> 12 g10m     wind_speed_of_gust                            
#> 13 gh       geopotential_height                           
#> 14 lsm      land_binary_mask                              
#> 15 pcp      precipitation_amount_acc                      
#> 16 pmsl     air_pressure_at_sea_level                     
#> 17 psfc     surface_air_pressure                          
#> 18 q        specific_humidity                             
#> 19 q2m      specific_humidity_2m                          
#> 20 rh       relative_humidity                             
#> 21 rh2m     relative_humidity_2m                          
#> 22 s        wind_speed                                    
#> 23 s10m     wind_speed                                    
#> 24 sea_ice  ga_icec_102                                   
#> 25 sfc_geo  surface_geopotential                          
#> 26 sst      sea_surface_temperature                       
#> 27 t        air_temperature                               
#> 28 t0m      air_temperature_0m                            
#> 29 t2m      air_temperature_2m                            
#> 30 td       dew_point_temperature                         
#> 31 td2m     dew_point_temperature_2m                      
#> 32 tmax     air_temperature_max                           
#> 33 tmin     air_temperature_min                           
#> 34 topo     altitude                                      
#> 35 u        x_wind                                        
#> 36 u10m     x_wind_10m                                    
#> 37 ugust    x_wind_gust                                   
#> 38 ugust10m x_wind_gust_10m                               
#> 39 v        y_wind                                        
#> 40 v10m     y_wind_10m                                    
#> 41 vgust    y_wind_gust                                   
#> 42 vgust10m y_wind_gust_10m                               
#> 43 vis      visibility_in_air                             
#> 44 w        upward_air_velocity                           
#> 45 wd       list(u = x_wind, v = y_wind)                  
#> 46 wd10m    list(u = x_wind_10m, v = y_wind_10m)          
#> 47 wg       list(u = x_wind_gust, v = y_wind_gust)        
#> 48 wg10m    list(u = x_wind_gust_10m, v = y_wind_gust_10m)
#> 49 ws       list(u = x_wind, v = y_wind)                  
#> 50 ws10m    list(u = x_wind_10m, v = y_wind_10m)          
#> 51 z        geopotential