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plot_point_verif is used to plot verification scores computed by functions from the harpPoint package. The function uses non standard evaluation (NSE) meaning that none of the arguments should be quoted. For arguments that can take more than one value, (facet_by and filter_by), the arguments should be wrapped inside the vars function.


  verif_type = c("ens", "det"),
  x_axis = lead_time,
  y_axis = rlang::enquo(score),
  rank_is_relative = FALSE,
  rank_hist_type = c("bar", "lollipop", "line"),
  colour_by = fcst_model,
  colour_table = NULL,
  hex_palette = viridisLite::plasma(256),
  hex_colour = "grey20",
  extend_y_to_zero = TRUE,
  plot_num_cases = TRUE,
  extend_num_cases_to_zero = FALSE,
  num_cases_position = c("below", "right", "above", "left"),
  facet_by = NULL,
  num_facet_cols = 3,
  facet_scales = "fixed",
  facet_labeller = "label_value",
  linetype_by = NULL,
  line_width = 1.1,
  point_size = 2,
  filter_by = NULL,
  plot_title = "auto",
  plot_subtitle = "auto",
  plot_caption = "auto",
  x_label = "auto",
  y_label = "auto",
  legend_position = "bottom",
  num_legend_rows = 1,
  log_scale_x = FALSE,
  log_scale_y = FALSE,
  flip_axes = FALSE,
  colour_theme = "bw",
  base_size = 11,
  base_family = "",
  base_line_size = base_size/22,
  base_rect_size = base_size/22,



Output from ens_verif, det_verif, or a harpPoint verification function for individual scores.


The score to plot. Should be the name of one of the columns in the verification tables or the name of a dervived score, such as spread_skill, spread_skill_ratio, or brier_score_decomposition.


The type of verification to plot for ensemble verification data. The default is "ens", but set to "det" to plot verification scores for members. If set to "det", you should also set colour_by = member.


The x-axis for the plot. The default is lead_time, but could also be threshold. For some scores this is overrided. Note that leadtime will be treated exactly the same as lead_time for compatibility with older versions.


The y-axis for the plot. The default is to take the same as the score input, and for most scores this is overrided.


Logical. If TRUE rank histograms are plotted with the relative rank (between 0 and 1) on the x-axis. The default is FALSE.


For rank histograms, the plot can be done as a bar chart, lollipop chart or a line chart.


The column to colour the plot lines or bars by. The default is fcst_model, for the model name. Set to NULL for all lines / bars to have the same colour.


A data frame with column names equal to the value of colour_by and "colour". The colour column should contain colour names or hex codes. There should be one row for each value in the colour_by column. If set to NULL, the default colour table is used.


The colour palette to use for hexbin. This should be a vector of colours. The default is plasma.


The outline colour of hexagons for hexbin plots. The default is "grey20".


Logical. Whether to extend the y-axis to include zero.


Logical of whether to inlcude the number of cases as a panel in the plot. Only currently works for summary scores, and if facet_by is set, the number of cases panel is not drawn since it will clutter the plot.


Logical of whether to extend the axis for the number of cases to zero. The default behaviour (FALSE) is to have the axis limits set to the minimum and maximum number of cases.


The position of the number of cases panel relative to the score panel. Can be "below" (the default), "above", "left", or "right". Typically only "below" and "above" will work unless plotting vertical profile scores with plot_profile_verif, where only "left" and "right" can be chosen.


The column(s) to facet the plot by. Faceting is a term used for generating plot panels. The argument must be wrapped inside the vars function - e.g. facet_by = vars(threshold).


Number of columns in the faceted plot.


Should facet scales be fixed ("fixed", the default), free ("free"), or free in one dimension ("free_x", "free_y")?


The function used to label the title strip. Typically this will always be "label_value", but if the column used for facet_by contains plotmath expressions, "label_parsed" should be used. See labellers for more information.


The column to set the line types of the plot by.


The width of lines to plot. The default is 1.1.


The size of points to plot. Set to 0 for no points. The default is 2.


Filter the data before plotting. Must be wrapped inside the vars function. This can be useful for making a single plot where there are many groups. For example, for reliability there should be one plot for each lead time and threshold, so the data can be filtered with e.g. filter_by = vars(lead_time == 12, threshold == 280).


Title for the plot. Set to "auto" to automatically generate the title. Set to "none" for no title. Anything else inside quotes will be used as the plot title.


Subtitle for the plot. Set to "auto" to automatically generate the subtitle. Set to "none" for no subtitle. Anything else inside quotes will be used as the plot subtitle.


Caption for the plot. Set to "auto" to automatically generate the caption Set to "none" for no caption. Anything else inside quotes will be used as the plot caption.


Label for the x-axis. Set to "auto" to automatically generate the label from the data. Set to "none" for no label. Anything else inside quotes will be used as the x-axis label.


Label for the y-axis. Set to "auto" to automatically generate the label from the data. Set to "none" for no label. Anything else inside quotes will be used as the y-axis label.


The position of legends ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top", or two-element numeric vector).


The maximum number of rows in the legend.


Logical - whether to plot the x-axis on a log scale.


Logical - whether to plot the y-axis on a log scale.


Logical of whether to swap the x and y axes. This is typically used when this function is called by plot_profile_verif.


The colour theme for the plot - can be any ggplot2 theme (see theme_grey), or "theme_harp_grey", "theme_harp_midnight", or "theme_harp_black".


base font size.


base font family.


base size for line elements.


base size for rect elements.


Arguments to aes e.g. group = ...


A plot. Can be saved with ggsave.


plot_point_verif(verif_data_ens, crps)
plot_point_verif(verif_data_ens, spread_skill)

plot_point_verif(verif_data_det, equitable_threat_score, facet_by = vars(threshold))
#> Warning: plot_num_cases = TRUE cannot be used with facet_by. plot_num_cases set to FALSE.

plot_point_verif(verif_data_ens, reliability, filter_by = vars(lead_time == 12, threshold == 16))