Create a geographic grid.
This function returns a geodomain
with the
given parameters.
Make.domain(projtype="lambert", clonlat, nxny, dxdy, exey=NULL,
reflat=clonlat[2],reflon=clonlat[1],tilt=0, earth=list(R = 6371229))
Make.domain.RLL(Lon1, Lat1, SPlon, SPlat, SPangle=0, nxny, dxdy)
- projtype
The projection type. Possible values are
(oblique mercator) and"lalo"
.- clonlat
The c(lon,lat) co-ordinates of the center point of the domain.
- nxny
The c(nx,ny) number of grid points, i.e. the dimensions of the required grid.
- dxdy
The resolution in meter. For lat-lon projection, the unit is (decimal) degrees.
- exey
Extension zone (ref. ALADIN domains). This is only added as an attribute and does not influence the domain itself. But if the domain is later saved in FA format, this is added to the grid dimensions.
- reflat
The reference latitude of the projection.
- reflon
The reference longitude of the projection.
- tilt
Only for rotated mercator.
- Lon1,Lat1,SPlon,SPlat,SPangle
HIRLAM-style rotated LatLon grid: rotation of South Pole.
- earth
The earth shape description (in proj4 format). Default is a sperical earth .