Plot point values on a map with a colour function.
Add some coloured markers for observations on an existing map.
- x,y
Vectors with co-ordinates. If y is missing, x is suposed to have two columns x and y.
- z
Vector with data (same length as x and y).
- breaks
The number of breaks in the colour code.
- pretty
If TRUE, the breaks are chosen at 'nice' values.
- legend.pos
Legend position.
- add
If TRUE, add to current plot. Otherwise, start a new plot with dmain.
- domain
By default, the last plotted domain.
- col
Colour scheme.
- ...
Options for 'points'.
A set of points is plotted at the x,y points, with colour taken from the chosen colour scheme. The return value (hidden) is a list wit hthe projected x,y points, the data values, levels and colours.