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harp v0.2.2

  • Hotfixes for harpCore, harpIO, harpPoint and harpVis


  • define_domain() has been improved so that it can take a proj string, e.g. "+proj=lcc +lon_0=15 +lat_0=63.3 +lat_1=63.3 +lat_2=63.3 +R=6371000" as the proj argument.

  • geo_reproject() has been added to enable data frames with latitude and longitude columns to be expressed in projection coordinates.


  • New parameters added to OBSOUL reading.

  • Partial fix of bug that resulted in errors when extracting domain information from WRF output files - care should be taken when reading data from WRF files as this is not fully tested.


harp v0.2.1

  • Hotfixes for harpCore, harpIO and harpVis



Bug fixes

NetCDF improvements

  • When no projection string is available, get the projection information from CF compliant attributes

  • Get dimension names from variables. In general this means that dimension names no longer need to be set via netcdf_opts()

Documentation improvements

  • Vignette added to describing how to read point observations from .csv files

  • Extra note added to help users install the hsf5r package


  • Add functionality to plot new spatial verification scores

harp v0.2.0

  • Major updates in all harp packages.

  • Introduction of new package {harpCore} which provides classes and functionalities that are common to all harp packages, including methods for geographic transformations via geo_<.> functions and fast neighbourhood smoothing of gridded fields via the nbhd_smooth() function.

  • A lot of internal changes to make things run more smoothly.


Breaking changes

  • Arguments start_date, end_date, and by to read functions are deprecated and replaced by dttm, to be used together with seq_dttm() to generate a sequence of date-time strings. Note that you can still use the old arguments, but will be periodically warned to change.

  • New column names in outputs to read functions

Old name New name
fcdate fcst_dttm
validdate valid_dttm
leadtime lead_time

Selected new features

  • Parameters are defined via the internal data list harp_params. This list includes parameter name substitutions for different file formats and the possibility to apply a function to specific parameters at read time.

  • The parameter list can be added to or modified with add_param_def() and modify_param_def() respectively.

  • All data read in by harp read functions attain a class - the print method for each class tells you what type of dataset it is. One exception is for read_obs() and read_point_obs(), which both return basic tibbles (data frames).

  • use_grib_stepRange() is added as a helper to select grib messages via grib_opts(param_find = list(param = use_grib_stepRange(...))). This is useful for determining between accumulated and instantaneous variables with the same grib shortName. {lead_time} can be used to take the current lead time.


Breaking changes

Selected new features

  • Verification functions have gained new progress bars and are generally less verbose in what they are doing, restricting messages to only progress with computing scores for different verification groups.

  • New verification score hexbin. This gives a data frame of what is essentially a heat map of forecast - observation value pairs.

  • New class, attributes and print method for verification function outputs.

  • jitter_fcst() now accepts vectorized functions so should be a lot faster.


Breaking changes

  • plot_scatter() is soft deprecated. Since the data are computed in verification functions, scatter (or more accurately hexbin) plots can now be made with plot_point_verif(..., score = hexbin)

  • plot_station_eps() is defunct. plot_station_ts() should be used instead.

Selected new features

  • Plot functions are backwards compatible so that verification data produced by old versions of {harpPoint} with leadtime, mname, fcdate, validdate included in the column names will still work.

  • geom_georaster(), geom_geocontour() and geom_geocontour_filled() are new functions for plotting gridded data using ggplot. An upscaling option is added to enable faster plotting of rasters and calculation / smoothing of contours.

  • Map data for plots projected to the domain of a gridded data field can be retrieved using get_map().

  • The shiny app for point verification can now select from different time axes and will recognise and plot vertical profile verifications.

  • The shiny app for point verification has gained two new options: full_dir_navigation controls whether a modal is opened for selecting data directories (the old behaviour), or simply populating a dropdown selector. theme allows you to control the overall appearance of the app and you can choose between “dark”, “light” and “white”.

harp v0.0.9

  • This is the version that is basically unchanged since late 2021 / early 2022.

  • It was officially tagged v0.0.9 in November 2023