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read_analysis generates file names, based on the arguments given, reads data from them, and optionally performs a transformation on those data. Works in much the same as read_forecast except dates must be given explictly. These can be generated from seq_dates. Also, data are returned by default. If just want to use this function for interpolating to points and writing the results to sqlite files, make sure to set return_data = FALSE.


  members = NULL,
  members_out = members,
  lags = NULL,
  vertical_coordinate = c("pressure", "model", "height", "depth", NA),
  file_path = getwd(),
  file_format = NULL,
  file_template = "an{YYYY}{MM}{DD}{HH}.grib",
  file_format_opts = list(),
  transformation = c("none", "interpolate", "regrid", "xsection", "subgrid"),
  transformation_opts = NULL,
  param_defs = get("harp_params"),
  output_file_opts = sqlite_opts(),
  return_data = TRUE,
  merge_lags = TRUE,
  show_progress = TRUE,
  stop_on_fail = FALSE,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  by = "6h"



A vector of date time strings to read. Can be in YYYYMMDD, YYYYMMDDhh, YYYYMMDDhhmm, or YYYYMMDDhhmmss format. Can be numeric or character. seq_dttm can be used to generate a vector of equally spaced date-time strings.


The name of the analysis model(s) to read. Can be expressed as character vector if more than one model is wanted.


The name of the forecast parameter(s) to read from the files. Should either be harp parameter names (see show_param_defs), or in the case of netcdf files can be the name of the parameters in the files. If reading from vfld files, set to NULL to read all parameters.


For ensemble forecasts, a numeric vector giving the member numbers to read. If more than one forecast model is to be read in, the members may be given as a single vector, in which case they are recycled for each forecast model, or as a named list, with the forecast models (as given in fcst_model) as the names. For multimodel ensembles this would be a named list of named lists. If file names do not include the ensemble member, i.e. all members are in the same file, setting members to NULL will read all members from the files.


If the members are to renumbered on output, the new member numbers are given in members_out. Should have the same structure as members.


A named list of members of an ensemble forecast model that are lagged and the amount by which they are lagged. The list names are the names of those forecast models, as given in fcst_model that have lagged members, and the lags are given as vectors that are the same length as the members vector. If the lags are numeric, it is assumed that they are in hours, but the units may be specified with a letter after each value where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes and s = seconds. lags is primarily used to generate the correct file names for lagged members - for example a lag of 1 hour will generate a file name with a date-time 1 hour earlier than the date-time in the sequence (start_data, end_date, by = by) and a lead time 1 hour longer.


For upper air data to be read the vertical coordinate in the files must be given. By default, this is "pressure", but may also be "height" or "model" for model levels. If reading from vfld files, set to NA to only read surface parameters.


The parent path to all forecast data. All file names are generated to be under the file_path directory. The default is the current working directory.


The format of files to read. harpIO includes functions to read 'vfld', 'netcdf', 'grib' and 'fa' format files. If set to NULL, an attempt will be made to guess the format of the files. However, you may write your own functions called read_<file_format> function and read_forecast will attempt to use that instead. See the vignette on writing read functions for more information.


A template for the file names. For available built in templates see show_file_templates. If anything else is passed, it is returned unmodified, or with substitutions made for dynamic values. Available substitutions are YYYY for year, {MM} for 2 digit month with leading zero, {M} for month with no leading zero, and similarly {DD} or {D} for day, {HH} or {H} for hour, {mm} or {m} for minute. Also {LDTx} for lead time and {MBRx} where x is the length of the string including leading zeros. Note that the full path to the file will always be file_path/template.


A list of options specific to the file format. For netcdf this can be generated by netcdf_opts and for grib by grib_opts.


The transformation to apply to the data once read in. "none" will return the data in its original form, "interpolate" will interpolate to points at latitudes and longitudes supplied in transformation_opts, "regrid" will regrid the data to a new domain given in transformation_opts, and "xsection" will interpolate to a vertical cross sectoin betweem two points given in transformation_opts.


Options for the transformation. For transformation = "interpolate" these can be generated by interpolate_opts, for transformation = "regrid" these can be generated by regrid_opts, and transformation = "xsection" these can be generated by xsection_opts.


A list of parameter definitions that includes the file format to be read. By default the built in list harp_params is used. Modifications and additions to this list can be made using modify_param_def and add_param_def respectively.


Options for output files. read_forecast can output data transformation = "interpolate" as sqlite files. The options for the sqlite files can be set with sqlite_opts. Most inportantly, the path argument in link{sqlite_opts} must not be NULL for data to be output to sqlite files.


By default read_forecast does not return any data, since many GB of data could be read in. Set to TRUE to return the data read in to the global environment.


Logical. Whether to merge the lagged members when return_data = TRUE (the default). When TRUE, the forecast time and lead time for the lagged members are adjusted to fit with the unlagged members.


Some files may contain a lot of data. Set to TRUE to show progress when reading these files.


Logical. Set to TRUE to make execution stop if there are problems reading a file. Missing files are always skipped regardless of this setting. The default value is FALSE.

start_date, end_date, by

[Deprecated] The use of start_date, end_date and by is no longer supported. dttm together with seq_dttm should be used to generate equally spaced date-times.


When return_date = TRUE, a harp_analysis object.