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harpPoint v0.2.1

harpPoint v0.2.0

This is a major update. Most of the changes are internal, but there are some changes that may lead to problems with downstream scripts that are listed below along with some selected new features.

Breaking changes

  • Default groupings argument changed from "leadtime" to "lead_time" for consistency with changes in {harpIO}. Scripts that use verification functions with "leadtime", "validdate" and "fcdate" as values to groupings should be changed to "lead_time", "valid_dttm" and "fcst_dttm" respectively.

  • Verification outputs now use the column name fcst_model instead of mname so that there is consistency throughout harp.

  • Attributes for verification outputs have changed to include all forecast dates, all stations and all groupings used in the verification. Any scripts that make use of these attributes should be updated to reflect the new attributes.

  • scale_point_forecast() and scale_point_obs() are deprecated. scale_param() should be used instead.

  • gather_members() and spread_members() are deprecated. pivot_members() should be used instead.

  • first_validdate() and last_validdate() are deprecated. unique_valid_dttm() should be used instead.

  • pull_stations() is deprecated. unique_stations() should be used instead.

  • bootstrap_score(), pooled_bootstrap_score() and bind_bootstrap_score() are defunct. bootstrap_verify() and bind_point_verif() should be used instead.

Selected new features

  • Verification functions have gained new progress bars and are generally less verbose in what they are doing, restricting messages to only progress with computing scores for different verification groups.

  • New verification score hexbin. This gives a data frame of what is essentially a heat map of forecast - observation value pairs.

  • New class, attributes and print method for verification function outputs.

  • jitter_fcst() now accepts vectorized functions so should be a lot faster.

harpPoint v0.0.9

  • This is the version that is basically unchanged since late 2021 / early 2022.

  • It was officially tagged v0.0.9 in November 2023